Monday, January 10, 2011

AubParkThailand's gift to the Boys & Girls Clubs of SE Michigan

Hi everyone! After a busy end to the school year and over a month of traveling around SE Asia, Aubrey and I have returned home to Michigan, USA. It is great to be back home and see family, but we already miss our students and friends in Thailand. When we got home, one of the first orders of business was to make our $1,000 USD donation to the Boys & Girls Clubs of SE Michigan. Our home state, Michigan, has gone through some rough economic times in the past few years, and Aubrey and I have always been passionate about helping out kids and the city of Detroit. The Boys & Girls Clubs of SE Michigan provide "high quality youth development programs, sporting activities, events and a safe haven for children from all walks of life. In addition, the Clubs have been credited with “saving lives” of children who often have no one to turn to in times of family problems, poverty, failing grades and other difficult situations." We were given a tour around the Dick & Sandy Dauch Campus/NFL-YET Boys & Girls Club and met the Director of the club, Jackie Banks. The Dauch campus provides a safe and fun environment for hundreds of kids and it is located in an at-risk area of the city. After talking with Jackie, it was evident to us that we made the right decision by donating $1,000 of our prize money to a great organization like Boys & Girls Clubs of SE Michigan.

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